Our Story

Our journey began with a fascination for nootropic brain-enhancing compounds, which gradually evolved into a business idea. Recognizing the need for an efficient delivery system for these active ingredients, we concluded that breath mints would be the ideal solution due to their fast and pleasant uptake. However, we faced a challenge—we lacked knowledge on how to create breath mints. Initially, we scoured the internet for companies in Australia or New Zealand that specialised in such products, but to no avail. Consequently, we decided to take matters into our own hands and attempt to make them ourselves, thinking, "How hard could it be?"

As it turns out, creating breath mints proved to be far more challenging than anticipated. We procured the necessary machinery and commenced testing. Through extensive trial and error, we developed a base recipe and began experimenting with various flavours and ingredients. Over the course of approximately 12 months, we iterated through an astonishing 57 different versions before discovering what worked and what didn't. Remarkably, real peppermint oil emerged as the optimal flavouring. To ensure the highest quality, we sourced two types of peppermint oil from France, renowned for their exceptional quality. During this process, we also stumbled upon other unique ingredients, ultimately resulting in the creation of three distinct products: Energy, Focus, and Calm mints. Additionally, we dedicated another 8 months to branding and packaging, completing our new range.

By undertaking the entire production process in-house, we guarantee that our mints are crafted using only the finest ingredients. We take immense pride in the fact that our range of functional mints is both developed and manufactured right here in Christchurch New Zealand, and we are thrilled to share them with the rest of the world.

Simon and the Awak'n team

Feel free to contact us at

: sales@awaknenergy.com 

: 0212578481  Int 0064212578481